Monday, July 21, 2008

Hot List

1) It was 100 degrees out today. My office was at least 96 this morning when I walked in at 7:15.

2) Lulu learned an important lesson today about sleep deprivation and how it impacts her performance. She also looks really silly sleeping under a desk. She has been invited to a party on Thursday. She can only go if she completes 11 more units on her Felvis, keeps her room/bathroom clean, and doesn't go out for the rest of the week. She's working tomorrow and Wednesday; Friday we have plans for her, and Saturday is her big official introduction to the wonderful world of college.

3) After a while, angst must fade into indifference over certain situations. Whatever. Ask yourself if it is going to make a huge difference in your life. If the answer is no, then who the hell cares?

4) Sometimes it is a bad idea to trust people with your feelings, with the things that really mean something to you, good or bad. Some people can't handle trust. This always comes as as surprise.

5) No matter what you think, you can't control other people. Even if you think you should be able to, or if they'd really be better off if they listened to you... other people don't belong to you. Even if you can intimidate someone into doing what you want for a while, you still aren't really in control. It's much better to accept that you aren't in control, and try to influence for the good when you can. People will follow a path much farther if you show it to them than they will if you drag them down it, kicking and screaming the whole way.

6) I have to say I've learned a lot from all of my current situations. I can't say it's been fun, or that it looks like a barrel of monkeys going forward.. but it's certainly educational.

7) It's too hot to even ride a horse around here. Seriously! The thought of lifting the saddle is enough to make you pass out. Forget actually climbing on.

8) Although horse sweat does smell good.

9) Everyone in the house but me is on the phone right now. I am avoiding the phone at all costs.

and now I'm going to sleep.

1 comment:

The Princess said...

I hope your not referring to me as the intemidator... I know you probably are though... Well what am I going to do??? The image some may have of me and my intentions are not accurate and I can't change that at this time. There is SOOOO flipping much to do right now and everything, I mean Everything, is changing and UPSIDE DOWN for me right now. Trying to explain myself would take every ounce of energy I have. I love you all and you should know that. (because I just told you) =) I have to go in to work now but will be in touch again real SOON!!!! Yaaaayyyyyyyyyyy