Saturday, December 31, 2005

List number 423657

Things that have happened since I last wrote:

1) I wrote a letter to the ex (aka Numbnuts) demanding that he bring the mortgage current, pay the $4,900, and pay his car payment. I got a notice today from the bank that he hadn't paid the car payment in 2 months. I guess he wants to play this the hard way. Damn it all. All I want is to be rid of him and his BS once and for all.

2) L and I went to Florida for Christmas. We spend Christmas with my sister and S and had a great time eating giant turkey, watching movies, opening presents, and listening to S learn chords on her new Esteban guitar. I think she will be quite the little musician if she sticks with it.

3) We went to see L's family in Tallahassee, which was also fun. We played cards and ate enough cookies to kill a horse. I also got to meet one of L's workmates, who was a very nice lady. She used to be a ballerina and a sculptor.. we had a great lunch and sometime next fall we will probably go to an FSU game together.

4) And then out of the blue, who should call me but big D. I know that he has tried to contact be before in the past 9 years, but I don't know what possible reason he could have for doing so. He rambled a bit, telling me about his daughter going to jail and himself being diagnosed as bipolar.. gee, no one saw that one coming. He was nice enough over the phone, but closed the conversation with "I'll talk to you soon." I don't know what that means or what the purpose was for the whole conversation. It freaks me out a little bit because the last thing I want right now is a stalker. Especially a 6 foot 5, bipolar stalker. And 9 years is a long time to carry either a torch or a grudge.

5) And then today while L and I were in a restaurant eating lunch, somebody wrote "chicken shit" across the back of his car with a Sharpie pen. It came off all right, but it was a little bizarre. He thinks it's a case of mistaken identity or something, or some kids being stupid. He might be right. I hope he's right.

6) And tonight we go out to celebrate a new year with good friends and good food. I am wearing the pink pants that S gave me, and L is trying to find a shirt to match the pants he bought at Gap. Those pants look really good on him.. I hope he finds something in his closet to match. :) M is coming over to bring the Monster back from his vacation. I hope Monster won't miss the Blink too much now that he is coming home. M said that he has had fun making friends.

Next post will be new year's resolutions.. or whatever passes for NYR's in my little world.