Saturday, May 06, 2006

Misery Loves Coffee

I have a splitting headache and a sore throat. This is not unusual. I usually wake up feeling like this, as a matter of fact, and I am altogether sick and tired of it. I checked WebMD and according to that, I have 95% of the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).. the heartburn, the fizz sensation in the back of my throat, the bloated feeling, the chronic cough.. I've though that this was allergies since November, and I think part of it is/was related to my usual allergy issues, but this is ridiculous.

And it's different from the usual allergy issue.. so I think it has to be something different. I am going to try Prilosec and see if it helps. Hopefully it will and I won't feel so crappy anymore. According to WebMD, I am also not supposed to drink coffee anymore (as I type this, I am sucking down the only cup I am allowing myself this morning).

And so this blog moves on to the more mental aspect this morning. I talked to Mom again for a few minutes last night. She is always either just coming back from physical therapy, and therefore miserable, when I call, or she is asleep and sounding like she's drunk. I understand that she just had surgery and that's par for the course, but I do wish I could figure out when the good, lucid time to call is.

I am going out to the farm where M is keeping his horses now, to check on them and take a few pictures for him. Then I am coming back here, and L and I are going to the old house to do some work and then go to Sam's for dogfood and our other usual truckload of groceries. Man, that man loves Sam's Club. He cracks me up.

He is outside right now in a holy pair of jeans that shows the barest little section of his red Winter Wizard boxer shorts. He hasn't done his hair lately, so he has a fuzzy head. He is weilding his new weed eater against the brush down by the creek, determined to have it out of there before the guys come to start working on the new fence he is having put up for the dogs. He is dreadfully cute.

Last night we watched Bewitched, btw.. If you haven't seen it, don't waste your time. They took an idea that could have been a really cute movie and turned it into garbage. The male lead (Will Ferrel, I think) sucked mightily in his role as a washed up movie star who is now doing TV to try and salvage his career. Nicole Kidman was cute, but watching this movie, it was obvious that she had nothing to work with. In fact I was a little embarrassed for her, having the world know that she was in such a crappy movie. Could have been a lot better. A LOT better.

Anyway.. I have the antidote to crappy movie-dom sitting on the counter now.. the Special Edition DVD of Office Space. : D

And so now I must go and get dressed, make a few phone calls, and hit the road so I can go see the horses. I'll probably post pics later.

1 comment:

Nimba and Rubi said...
