Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ok so I haven't posted here lately because I've been insanely busy and when I'm not running, studying, or working, I'm trying to squeeze in some snuggle time! :-)

A list, for those of you dying to read one:

1) I got invited to present at a professional conference about the big training project I did this past fall. It's kind of a big deal. I am very excited!!!

2) I have a $29 Million dollar grant proposal on my desk that is due Friday. I think that might be a record.

3) Running is addictive. I never thought it would be... but it is.

4) I can sprint at 7.2 mph for almost a minute. If I could do it for longer, that would be like a 9:40 mile or something. My fastest mile to date is 11:31. I would be ecstatic to get under 10.

5) Nike+ is really really cool!

And now... I have to go to work.


The Princess said...

Cool list. I don't think I could ever run... but I could be wrong...=))

GamecockQueen said...

Hey B,

How funny that we're both getting into running at the same time. I ran track in high school and it must have been that I was a teenager, I never really remember it hurting, it was like I just ran. Not the case now :) I feel every step! every mile! every minute even!

The 5K that I wrote to you about is actaully a 10K run, 5K walk...I'm kind of dissapointed b/c I know I can't run a 10K and really wanted to do a 5K, but oh well. It's for a good cause so I'm still going and walking...although I think walking is sort of silly....

Later Gater,