Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Giant Prawn Experiment

S had to dissect a crustacean as part of her online class. Procuring the crustacean(s) in question was an adventure in itself.. S charmed the seafood guy at Publix into giving her a giant prawn and a crawfish...
It really was a GIANT prawn..
And of course, we had to photograph the crawfish too...
A was really grossed out by the end of the experiment. She changed her mind about sauteeing him, for sure.

I love this pic.. L is checking out her notes and her half-dismantled crustacean, and she's gagging. LOL ;-)

Later: Horseback riding!


The Princess said...

hahaha roflmao... she cracks me up when she gags, been doin that since she was little. That def. is a HUGE prawn!!!

Anonymous said...

The best-tasting oxymoron: Jumbo Shrimp. If only it worked for military intelligence.