Friday, June 06, 2008

Eeyore Strikes Again

Well. What can I say? I am feeling quite morose lately.

I guess there is a lot of anxiety about what's going on at work right now, and why everything is changing.. right down to my friends and my interactions with them. I'm in kind of a funk, where I second-guess my every word and action until I feel ready to leap face-first off the nearest bridge or tall building.

Nobody else cares about anything I say, so I don't know why I am even worried about it. And I know that whatever happens with any of the current situations in my life, be it family, work, or other, it really doesn't say that much about me as a person.

But for some reason I feel that it does. I let it eat at me until I am really angry, and it wears me out. I feel that one mistake will permanently derail me, that one person's opinion can sway the whole world.. it's almost like I expect to fail but I am terrified of even the slightest indication that I might screw up.

Bleh. How's that for an interesting, uplifting start to the morning?

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