Monday, May 26, 2008

The Listification of ORP

Thoughts, at random, as they occur:

1) I thank God every day that five years ago, I stood up against everything I believed in. If I hadn't, I shudder to think of the things I would have had to live with, and the conditions I would be living in. That one little stand.. that one little boundary has made all the difference. I would never have known what a marriage should be, or what I am capable of when I am not told every minute of the day that I am not good enough.. It's amazing, really.

Come on, say it with me: "If you can't treat me with dignity and respect, then you cannot be in any kind of relationship with me." Believe me, it works.

2) Does anyone know what the deal is with friends? Why they fade in and fade out of your life.. why sometimes it seems that they're there and other times it seems as if they don't even know you (or care to)? Is it that we aren't made to have very many really close relationships, or is that human nature doesn't allow us to get along harmoniously when we're very close to one another (whether emotionally or physically)? Is that "forced closeness" why most of us have issues with our families? Just curious...

3) Speaking of friends, ... I think PR doesn't like me anymore. I haven't been able to leave a comment on his blog since that night we went to the Galley, about 6 months ago. And come to think of it, he hasn't really talked to me since then either. I think maybe I am not "in the right crowd" anymore. Or maybe not fit for public association, since I am not a regular church-goer? That' s the impression I have gotten, but I have been known to be wrong before.

If that's the case, though, it's a shame. I miss him.

4) I cooked steak tonight, with garlic and rosemary roasted potatoes. Yumm. It was ten times better than the one we had out at Sassafras on Saturday night.. and even with cocktails, it was about $90 cheaper than Saturday. I am becoming a restaurant snob.. but then I should be, when I can eat better at home for less money.

Makes a difference when gas costs more than food for a week.

5) Ok, I really think I want a baby now. It should have green eyes like L and blonde hair like me. And it should be very fat and giggly.. because that's the best kind of baby.

6) Did I just say that out loud? I did, didn't I?

Pictures of something.. I haven't decided what yet..


Francake said...

I know what you mean about friends. I've been trying to make some post-college friends but I'm so shy it's been slow going.

You and L would have the cutest baby ever!


Anonymous said...

Respect for your love partners and friends is absolutely necessary.

The Princess said...

A baby could be fun!!A beauty it would be!! As for friends.... I know exactly what you mean... sometimes ppl just fade in and out and it doesnt really have a lot to do with you ... usually something that's going on with them... unless you know for a fact why you and that person would be at odds.