Saturday, December 31, 2005

List number 423657

Things that have happened since I last wrote:

1) I wrote a letter to the ex (aka Numbnuts) demanding that he bring the mortgage current, pay the $4,900, and pay his car payment. I got a notice today from the bank that he hadn't paid the car payment in 2 months. I guess he wants to play this the hard way. Damn it all. All I want is to be rid of him and his BS once and for all.

2) L and I went to Florida for Christmas. We spend Christmas with my sister and S and had a great time eating giant turkey, watching movies, opening presents, and listening to S learn chords on her new Esteban guitar. I think she will be quite the little musician if she sticks with it.

3) We went to see L's family in Tallahassee, which was also fun. We played cards and ate enough cookies to kill a horse. I also got to meet one of L's workmates, who was a very nice lady. She used to be a ballerina and a sculptor.. we had a great lunch and sometime next fall we will probably go to an FSU game together.

4) And then out of the blue, who should call me but big D. I know that he has tried to contact be before in the past 9 years, but I don't know what possible reason he could have for doing so. He rambled a bit, telling me about his daughter going to jail and himself being diagnosed as bipolar.. gee, no one saw that one coming. He was nice enough over the phone, but closed the conversation with "I'll talk to you soon." I don't know what that means or what the purpose was for the whole conversation. It freaks me out a little bit because the last thing I want right now is a stalker. Especially a 6 foot 5, bipolar stalker. And 9 years is a long time to carry either a torch or a grudge.

5) And then today while L and I were in a restaurant eating lunch, somebody wrote "chicken shit" across the back of his car with a Sharpie pen. It came off all right, but it was a little bizarre. He thinks it's a case of mistaken identity or something, or some kids being stupid. He might be right. I hope he's right.

6) And tonight we go out to celebrate a new year with good friends and good food. I am wearing the pink pants that S gave me, and L is trying to find a shirt to match the pants he bought at Gap. Those pants look really good on him.. I hope he finds something in his closet to match. :) M is coming over to bring the Monster back from his vacation. I hope Monster won't miss the Blink too much now that he is coming home. M said that he has had fun making friends.

Next post will be new year's resolutions.. or whatever passes for NYR's in my little world.

Friday, December 30, 2005

checking back

I'm back from the holiday extravaganza, worn out as ever and trying to figure out new year's plans for everyone. I'll do a complete update later.. for now I am cold and tired and need a rest after my vacation.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tiiiiiiime Ain't on My Side

I've got too much to do. And it's freezing out and I really didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning. It is definitely a Red Bull kind of day. My arms are sore from Monday's workout, my abs are screaming, and I really wish I wasn't at work today.

But there's nothing we can do about that, now is there?

I guess I'd better get to it if I'm going to get the newsletter written, 15 proposals submitted, my own proposal written, a letter to J threatening contempt of court if he doesn't get with it, and the rest of the Christmas shopping all before Christmas. Not to mention that I have to study for the GMAT, which I am taking in less than a week.

And I hate it for me, but the GMAT is not by any means an easy test. I have to score high, too, if I want to get into the MBA program.

I think I might need a little more stress in my life this week. What do you think?

Saturday, December 10, 2005


We went to see the first narnia movie last night, and I must say they did an absolutely outstanding job of bringing the books to life. The movie is visually stunning, and the kid that plays Lucy is adorable.

The kid who plays Edmund looks exactly like Joshua Jordan. That was a little strange. The other strange thing was the people behind us, who kept up a running commentary in a stage whisper the whole time, trying to get in some Bible study with their kids. "Awh, loook, hunny, thayut's Jeezusss!! He died fer our seeeeeeyuns!!!!!" every time Aslan came on the screen. Pretty annoying actually. But other than that, the movie was good.

L and I had a good day today.. we got up early and went to the FCA Bowden Breakfast, where I got to meet and have my picture taken with Tommy Bowden, the Clemson head coach, and his father Bobby Bowden, the head coach for FSU. The breakfast was great and we got free t-shirts. Met a really cool guy from Greece who now works at Clemson as a physicist, and will probably be joining L's FSU club.

Then we did a little shopping at Kohl's, came home and did a little cleaning, and took a long, comfortable nap. We're about to eat some brunswick stew and see what's on tv tonight. And tomorrow.. it's Survivor finale. Can't wait to see that!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas List

Ok, I've promised a certain sister of mine that I would post my christmas list, so here goes:

Books are always a good choice. I read like a fiend, as you know. I like crime novels/mysteries, and pretty much novels of any kind. I loved Memoirs of a Geisha, and the Secret Life of Bees..

My office is full of kitty cat stuff, particularly tigers or those orange tabbies.. they go over well at the University. : ) So anything like that would work as well.

There's a songwriters' dictionary out that I'd like to have.. it's basically a rhyming dictionary. That would be cool.

Dean Markley guitar strings, medium weight, and med-light weight guitar picks.. I go through both like you wouldn't believe, so that's another idea.

I'm not really hard to please. : ) Ideas for L would be a little harder. He likes Dr. Seuss and Curious George.. I'd stay away from clothes; he doesn't wear certain colors and mostly sticks to neutrals. He's a little hard to buy for. He likes music.. if you know of any good jazz, etc. : ) Umm... he's a huge football fan (FSU, of course) and he also loves the TV show Smallville.. last year I bought him the season 1 DVDs, but he doesn't have any other ones.

So that's the christmas list.. now post yours!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Picture Posting Bonanza: Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree....
This is our tree topper. No angels or stars for us, no sir! We have the Abominable Snowman!
L and I went out yesterday for a real Christmas tree.. it's the first time I've ever had a real one, and it makes the house smell deliciously pine-y. :) We're kind of spare on the ornaments, because I used to get all of mine from J's mother on loan every year, and L has always had a 2-ft mini-tree and never needed many.
We had lots of fun decorating it. We put our 6-ft Douglas Fir on top of a table in the living room so that it would be safe from dogs and cat. Worked for the dogs, not so much for the cat.
Our "NOEL" stocking hooks on the mantel read "NOLE" instead.. L is the eternal FSU fan. :)
And now it's time to decide what movie we want to watch this evening, and when we want to cook dinner...

Picture Posting Bonanza: Harvard

Here's what you see at one of the many gates to the Harvard Campus..
Sever Hall (I think)..
The main gate to Harvard University...
..And here's what you see as you're leaving..
The John Harvard statue...Everyone touches his foot when they visit; that's why it's so much shinier than the rest of the statue. S, if you're gonna go to school at Harvard, BUY SOME WARM CLOTHES!!! :) Brrr!!

Picture Posting Bonanza: Boston

Looks like even the mounted police like to stop at the donut shop's drive through window!
The city of Boston from the top of the Prudential Center.
L and his snowflake..
Here I am aboard the USS Constitution, the oldest warship (1797 or thereabouts..). It was a free tour, and very very cool. :)

I'll post more pics later.. I still have Harvard and our Christmas tree to post. :D But right now I'm going Christmas shopping.