Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Welcome to ...

I wanted to call this the Ordinary Reasonable Person's Guide to Positively Everything. Damn character limits. I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time, just never got around to it. I have also been thinking of writing a book with the same title... (ORPGPE? I have been working in academia for too long). Not that anyone would buy said book.. it would just be fun to write.

I have been toying with that idea, though, since my early days at college, where I first heard of the mythical "ordinary, reasonable person" in business law class. And then the ORP shows up in accounting and finance.. Who is the ORP? I would like to meet this person. I am sure that we are certainly not related in any way, shape, or form.

Though not ordinary at all (and sometimes not even reasonable), I am a person with a lot of opinions, and that seems to be what blogging is about. With that said, the opinions for today will have to wait.. I need to set up a profile...