Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blogging from the Student Center..

There is no breakfast in our house. :-\ I had to come to the bagel shop on campus early this morning to get something for breakfast.. but they don't open for another 10 minutes. Luckily there is this nifty computer lab right outside, so here I am taking a few minutes to update my readers (if I still have any! lol).

There has been so much going on that there is nowhere to start. S is feeling sick this morning. I think she ate something that disagrees with her.. but she has already missed the max in unexcused absences for the semester because of her trip to Florida, so I sent her on to school. I will probably have to leave work early and go pick her up (unless her day gets better once she gets to school, which will probably happen) but at least she gets counted for being there today.

This close to graduation, she doesn't need to take any chances of a technicality keeping her from getting final grades at the end of the year... and my experience with SC schools supports my feeling that if they can cause a problem, over any thing, no matter how minor, they will gleefully do so. Just saying.

In other news, here's my to-do list for this week:
1) 4-5 grant proposal reviews
2) I have to take my new employee to meet the folks across campus.
3) 1 more test and 2 final exams for grad school
4) 2 major presentations in grad school
5) Shopping for Thanksgiving and the required cleaning of the house before the big event
6) Finalizing details for my last big event as HOA social committee chair (hallelujah) which is coming up in 2 weeks
7) Scheduling an appointment to get an estimate on fixing the dent in my new car :-[
8) Getting my old car sold! Aaagh!
9) Going to see Trigger.. I haven't been out there in 2 weeks! Aaaaaaagh!

And so much more...

Bleh. Just thinking about all that this morning makes me want to turn around and go back home. But it's too cold to do anything but get breakfast and run back to my office.

Well, I think they have opened the doors of the bagel shop, so I'm off to get my breakfast...

I think this is the longest post I have made without pictures in quite some time.

And so much more...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

One last thing at Mom's...

What does this look like to YOU???

A testament to gay marriage, or what? We ROFL'd!


It's beautiful, but...The situation here is unacceptable. But what's the point of saying anything? No one wants to actually make a change. I can't make it happen, so all I can do is buy groceries when I come to visit, take the screaming and meanness, and buy new knives and kitchen stuff. :-\

I ask you, where is the value in this??

Reality Check

Prepare to be depressed. I'm warning you.

At my mother's house.. here we see the slop bucket next to the chemicals and plant food next to the pineapple they are planning to eat. When is a good question to ask, because it was already almost overripe when I got there.

These are just a selection of the knives I removed from the kitchen. There isn't a single one of them that could actually be used to cut something. My mother threw a fit, after she asked me to get rid of them.. because I got rid of them. Ditto the rotten tomatoes.. though she didn't ask me to get rid of them.
If I hear "those are still good, i NEED those" one more time...

Meanwhile here's mom and one of the giganticats. This chair is her world pretty much.
Unless there's someone around to drive the golf cart (and push it, if you need to back up. We didn't find out we'd have to push to reverse until it was too late..)

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Weird stuff from the past few days

1) My mother's house is the scariest and most depressing place I can think of. I swear to god I feel like a total basket case every time I come here. I guess that's how I always feel when there is NOTHING I can do to improve a situation.

2) Now that I finally got to let me create a post tonight... now I can't think of what I wanted to say.

3) I am amazed that on one here has contracted botulism yet. Let me just get that out of the way. Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on the rusted, bent, dull, or otherwise unuseable utensils in this kitchen. Or the rusty stuff. Or yet the slop bucket.

4) S and I have decided that Jehovah ruins everything. :-\

akjdfhryubvvfdjk! I want to go home and I feel really bad for wanting to go home this much. I never get to see my mother.. but everytime I do, I feel... this. :-[

Monday, November 03, 2008

Sooo Much Going On.

Too much going on, not enough time. So, some Halloween Pics..