Saturday, August 01, 2009


Ok so I am thinking about the blog lately and what I can do with it. I haven't been posting lately, and it's just sitting here in cyberspace, doing nothing.

I was thinking about a cooking blog, or even art? Maybe both? I should do something here on a regular basis though.. any ideas??


GamecockQueen said...


I would LOVE if you shared some of your recipes.

My mouth waters when I hear about the the things you make. L is one lucky man!

Keep in mind though, I make simpler dishes and get overwhelmed with stuff that is complex in the kitchen.

How did you meet L again? I am so ready, so ready B, to meet a GOOD guy. Everyone I've met since I kicked Dumb Dumb to the curb has been either a huge dissapointment, or I've learned something right off the bat that disqualified them :-(


Nimba and Rubi said...

I liked when you talked about your day :]

o.r.p. said...

Hey F,
I know what you mean about guys.. there aren't many gentlemen out there anymore, are there? I met L by accident, while kind-of dating a complete and total disappointment! L was kind-of friends with him (I say kind of because this guy wasn't really anyone's friend!). L and I went on our first date unintentionally (the rest of the group stood us up) and we had so much fun that we have been together ever since!

Seriously.. go for a guy 8-10 years older. They actually have brain cells and know how to use them :-)