Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What's This in my Head?

First off, why is it that I use secret pet names i had for my ex husband as passwords on my computer? I guess at least they are moderately secure.. who knew them except two people who never talk to each other now? Still I get a little creeped out when I have to log in.. but not creeped out enough to change the passwords.

The other things in my head.. Horses. I realized today that I should not get so attached to the bay mare. I love her to bits, but there is no chance in hell that I will ever be able to afford to buy her. It is only a matter of time before they decide to start selling the horses. I know that divorces are not cheap, and the two of them will need to lighten up a bit. So I will work with her and play with her and fall in love with her, and then get crushed when she is sold to somebody else.

So.. finding another outlet for this horse mania of mine is a must...

I am off to dinner. The boyfriend to end all boyfriends has cooked, and I am starving.